Matthew Through the Years

At Matthew's Beach Park in Seattle ("Mine beach park"), age 2 

Preschool (age 3), Montosorri of North Seattle (Mom's favorite)

Kindergarden (age 5), Bryant Elementary

First Grade (age 6), Bryant Elementary

Second Grade (age 7), Bryant Elementary

Second Grade (April 1999), Coach Pitch baseball.  (Mom says that was a great swing.)

September 99

Third Grade (age 8), Lowell Elementary

Fourth Grade (age 9), Lowell Elementary

With braces (age 9)


Some pictures from February and March 2001 are on Elias' page.

At Bus Stop Espresso. We start our coffee drinkers early here in Seattle.

May 31, 2001, at home before Mariner's Jay Buhner Buzz Night. Mom, clippers in hand. 

After the buzzing


Man that's a lot of hair


July 20, 2001. He cleans up really nicely for Erik and MK's wedding. (Picture by Holly O.)